Leader in Enhanced Telecommunications Services !
Released on = January 18, 2006, 1:16 am
Press Release Author = Net Business International
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = CallWave provides users with phone and fax numbers, as well as the capabilities to screen and transfer their home and cell phone calls, all for a fraction of the cost of regular phone numbers.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 1/18/2006
Leader in Enhanced Telecommunications Services !
CallWave provides users with phone and fax numbers, as well as the capabilities to screen and transfer their home and cell phone calls, all for a fraction of the cost of regular phone numbers. The company brings the benefits of new technologies like Voice Over Internet Protocol (\"VoIP\") to the mass market on a paid subscription basis.
CallWave\'s proprietary software provides subscribers with an easy way to get more out of their existing cell phone, Internet connection, and regular phone. By requiring no extra hardware or any installation effort, subscribers receive benefits like call bridging to any phone and real time call screening -- helping them get their important calls while avoiding unwanted calls.
CallWave has pioneered a customer driven, capital efficient business model using Voice application technology. By designing services tailored for the mass-market user, CallWave has made it easy for customers to benefit from new technologies, including VoIP. CallWave\'s direct and ongoing interaction with its 800,000+ customers ensures that its patent-pending call handling solutions match the needs of the mass market.
While conventional phone applications are hardwired into the network infrastructure and typically take years to deploy, CallWave uses the Internet to separate telephone applications from the underlying network infrastructure. As a result, CallWave\'s software-based applications lead to fast deployment, low capital expenditures, and low operating expenses.
How CallWave Works
CallWave\'s VoIP applications dramatically enhance the way people receive and handle phone calls, on any cell phone, Internet connection, or regular phone.
In today\'s busy world, where customers are often flooded with too many phone calls in the same way they receive too many emails, CallWave\'s VoIP applications help subscribers focus on the calls that matter. As such, CallWave\'s applications act like a \'phone Spam filter\' by identifying anonymous callers and preventing them from reaching customers. CallWave also helps subscribers to screen their calls by letting them listen to the caller leaving a message in real time before deciding if they want to talk.
CallWave for Mobile Phones
CallWave lets cell phone users listen in real time as their caller leaves a message. They can choose to ignore the call, or if it\'s important, they can press \'1\' on their phone to interrupt the message and instantly talk with their caller. At any time during the call, they can press \'2\' to transfer the call from their cell phone to their home or work phone - giving them a higher quality call and saving them money on cell phone minute charges.
CallWave for the Home
CallWave gives mainstream Internet connected homes more control over their calls and greater flexibility in how they take those calls. When a call comes in, our subscribers instantly see the name and Caller ID of the person calling on their Internet-connected PC.
Other helpful information regarding CallWave can be found at: http://callwave.netbizint.com.au/index.html
For More Information Contact:
Net Business International http://callwave.netbizint.com.au/index.html
Web Site = http://callwave.netbizint.com.au/index.html
Contact Details = Net Business International||PO BOX 858||CAMPBELLTOWN , 2560||$$country||||8018587405||affiliate@netbizint.com.au||http://callwave.netbizint.com.au/index.html
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